A Rare Summer Event!
The Flathead Cherry Classic (FCC) Street Hockey Tournament is a youth street event that focuses on introducing local youth to the game of hockey. The one day round robin tournament is open to kids 15 and under. This tournament will not require skates, nor do you need to bring any equipment. Sticks and balls will be provided in Polson. The FCC will have two divisions; a 12 & Under and a 15 & Under. Teams will be made of 5-6 players with 4 players on the “ice” at a time. This will be played “pond hockey” style so, no goalies, just a good time.
Pre-Register Now!
Like many things, this is way easier if you register first and ask questions later.
Teams need to report to the Mission Valley Ice Arena Tent at Cherry Fest in Polson to get their tournament schedule by 9:00 AM, Saturday morning July 21st. Teams that haven’t pre-registered will need to do so between 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM.
All players parents will need to sign a TOURNAMENT WAIVER AND RELEASE FORM before their children will be allowed to play. Waivers are available here and on-site during the tournament.
Other Tournament Rules
- Games will consist of 2, 10-minute halves with a 2-minute halftime.
- Before each team’s first game there will be a 5-minute skills session to get the new players started.
- * High sticking will not be allowed.
- * No checking.
- * No slapshots.
- * The ball should not rise above knee level.
- * The Halfcourt Rule: After a goal is scored, the defensive team cannot press the offensive team in their defensive zone until they cross halfcourt (Center Ice) with the ball.
- No athlete will be allowed to participate with open-toed shoes (sandals, flip-flops, jelly shoes, etc.)
- The tournament has room for 4 teams in 2 each of the two divisions. In the event that 8 teams are not registered the organizers will combine the 2 divisions into a single tournament. It is possible that the organizers ask some of the older, more experienced players to voluntarily play on a team with younger less experienced players.
- Skates are not allowed in the FCC.
- Outside equipment is not required but encouraged. Sticks and balls will be available for the use of all participants.
- Players whose parents have not signed the waiver and release form will not be allowed to play until it is signed.
* Infractions of these rules will result in a goal against the offending team.
Volunteer to Make the Rink Happen
Any grass roots organization needs volunteers and we are no different. Volunteers are needed for helping out with events, taking part in radio and television ads, passing out information and much more! If you've got a talent that you would like donate we would love to hear from you!